Article translated by Deepl

The importance of clean and affordable energy

Imagine spending an entire day without access to electricity and its amenities such as wi-fi, television, refrigerator, home lighting and many others. It sounds crazy, but this is how millions of people live every day. According to a report released by the World Bank (WB), approximately 840 million people have no access to electricity. This number represents more than 10% of the world's population and most of it is in sub-Saharan Africa.

The production of energy from clean sources is being the focus of many discussions and studies, mainly due to environmental problems caused by the emission of greenhouse gases through the burning of fossil fuels for power generation.

People without access to energy

Types of Clean Energy





Energia Solar


Tidal Energy


Biomass is all organic matter, of vegetable or animal origin, used in energy production. It is obtained through the decomposition of a variety of renewable resources, such as plants, wood, agricultural waste, food waste, excrement and even waste.

Brazil has a privileged situation for large-scale biomass production, as there are extensive cultivable areas and favorable weather conditions throughout the year.


Hydroelectric is a set of works and equipment that produces electricity through the hydraulic use of rivers. In hydroelectric plants, the potential gravitational energy of the water is transformed into rotation kinetic energy, which is later converted into electric energy.

Brazil is one of the countries that most uses hydroelectric plants as a means of obtaining energy, second only to the United States and Canada; the country, together with Paraguay, built Itaipu, the largest hydroelectric plant in the world. This is explained by the great hydro potential that Brazil has.


Nuclear energy, also called atomic energy, is obtained from the fission of the nucleus of the atom of enriched uranium, releasing a large amount of energy. Nuclear energy holds together the particles of the nucleus of an atom. The division of this nucleus into two parts causes the release of a great amount of energy.

The United States currently leads the way in nuclear energy production, but the most dependent on nuclear energy are France, Sweden, Finland and Belgium. In France, about 80% of its electricity comes from atomic power plants.


Wind energy is the process by which the wind is transformed into kinetic energy and from of it in electricity with the use of specific equipment.

Wind is used as a power generator since ancient times in systems such as water pumping, grain milling and boat handling.

The UN (United Nations) classifies wind energy as a CDM (Clean Development Mechanism) and has made it a priority for investments in encouraging the so-called green economy.


Solar energy corresponds to the energy from light and heat emitted by the sun. This energy source can be used in photovoltaic or thermal form, generating electric and thermal energy, respectively. Being considered a clean energy source, solar energy is one of the most promising alternative sources for obtaining energy.

Brazil was the first underdeveloped country to manufacture photovoltaic cells. Because it is located near the Equator, a region of high solar incidence, the country has an extremely favorable scenario for energy generation from solar energy. In addition, it is abundant in silicon, raw material used for the manufacture of photovoltaic cells.

Tidal Energy

Tidal energy, also known as tidal energy, is obtained by taking advantage of the energy coming from the unevenness of the tides. For this energy to be reversed into electricity, dams, locks (allowing water to enter and exit) and power generating units must be built.

The system used is similar to that of a hydroelectric power plant. The dams are built near the sea, and the dams are responsible for collecting water during high tide. The water is stored and then released during low tide, passing through a turbine that generates electricity.

Green and affordable energy promotes:


Improvement in


Economic Growth


Targets until 2030

Ensure universal, reliable, modern and affordable access to energy services. And substantially increase the share of renewable energy in the global energy matrix.

Strengthen international cooperation to facilitate access to clean energy research and technologies, including renewable energy, energy efficiency and advanced, cleaner fossil fuel technologies.

Double the global rate of energy efficiency improvement.

Expand infrastructure and modernize technology to provide modern and sustainable energy services to all in developing countries, particularly the least developed countries.



Adopting sustainable cost patterns for a wide range of technology can also reduce overall energy consumption by 14%. That means 1300 fewer power plants on the planet. Expanding infrastructure and modernizing technology to provide clean energy in all developing countries is a crucial goal for economic growth to collaborate with the environment.

Providing energy advice at home, small investments can reduce energy expenditures, especially an overall reduction in consumption.

Bicycling is a 100% sustainable means of transportation.

Get informed about the use of renewable energy, share your knowledge and support clean energy projects in schools and homes.

Curious facts

Sucre Project

A five-year project funded by the Global Environment Facility through the United Nations Development Programme to increase the supply of low GHG electricity through the generation of bioelectricity from straw.


Eletric Cars

With accessible and clean energy, companies such as Nissan, BMW and Honda, analyze the possibility of producing V2G type vehicles, in order to reduce the emission of carbon dioxide (CO2), the main cause of the greenhouse effect.

Oitis Complex

Through its Brazilian subsidiary, Neonergia, Iberdrola will build its largest onshore wind farm in Latin America, the second largest wind farm in the world.

Its 566.5 MW, Oitis, will be just behind the American Peñascal, located in Texas (606 MW), and just ahead of the Scottish Whitelee wind farm, located south of Glasgow (539 MW).

About me

by Daniel Pereira Nunes

My name is Daniel Pereira Nunes, I'm 16 years old and I live in Bahia - Brazil. I'm in my last year of high school.

The course was a great learning, with excellent mentors. I'm sure it will add to my career. Thanks Juliana Ribeiro & Junior Achievement Paraná!